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Health Breakthroughs

Does Sugar Cause Cancer?

Research has shown that approximately half of the U.S. adult population has either diabetes or prediabetes. Many people are unaware that they have one of these conditions.

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Menopause Is Not A Disease

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COVID and Quercetin

COVID-19 is back in the news, as there have been an increasing number of cases in San Diego and other areas. I have been seeing patients lately with this viral condition. Common symptoms of the current variant include fatigue, fever, body aches, sore throat, headache, and sinusitis.

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Summer Fitness Fun: Best Outdoor Workouts for a Stronger Body and Mind

Discover the benefits of outdoor workouts this summer. Explore cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises that boost physical and mental well-being in natural settings.

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Balancing Hormones for Radiant Summer Skin: Natural Remedies for Healthy Glow

Balancing hormones is crucial for achieving radiant summer skin. This article explores the connection between hormonal health and skin, offering natural remedies, dietary tips, and lifestyle changes to maintain a healthy glow during the summer months.

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Beat the Heat: Tips for Staying Hydrated and Cool in the Summer Sun

Stay safe and comfortable in the summer heat with essential tips for hydration and cooling. Learn how to recognize dehydration and heat-related illnesses, and discover effective strategies, including proper hydration, cooling techniques, and lifestyle adjustments to maintain your health and well-being during the hottest months.

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Men's Health Matters: Understanding Hormonal Imbalance and Vitality

Understanding and maintaining hormonal health is crucial for men's vitality. This article explores key hormones, causes and symptoms of imbalances, and provides tips for improving hormonal health through diet, exercise, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments.

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Optimizing Digestive Health: Summer Foods for Gut Wellness

Enhance your digestive health this summer with nutritious foods and practical tips. Discover the importance of gut wellness, the benefits of a balanced diet, and sample meal plans to optimize your gut health and overall well-being.

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Video: Bioidentical Hormones vs. Conventional Drugs for Menopause Relief

In this video, Dr. Mark Stengler discusses conventional medicine's use of pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of menopause symptoms and the unwanted side effects that may accompany them.

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VIDEO: What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

What are Bioidentical Hormones? If you break the word down,…

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Natural Alternatives

Navigating Leaky Gut: Symptoms, Causes and Effective Solutions

Scientific research has shown that bad gut health is tied to several metabolic and chronic disorders.

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Hormone Therapy

The Silent Thyroid Epidemic

The rate of thyroid disease in America is closer to 25% of the American population!

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Hormone Therapy

Your Plunging Hormones May Be Putting Your Heart at Risk!

Printed with permission from Dr. Mark Stengler’s Health Revelations (…

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Health Risks

The Silent Thyroid Epidemic

Perhaps you are one of the millions of Americans who have one or more signs and symptoms of low thyroid such as fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, poor memory and focus, and depression. Yet your doctor runs a basic thyroid test and tells you that all is well.

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The Clinic

Service Highlight: Hormone Balancing

Balanced hormones in a person’s body are critical for good health and viability. In fact...

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Hormone Therapy

Don’t Let Big Pharma Scare You Away From this Safe, PROVEN Menopause Relief

There’s a quiet revolution happening in medicine right now—and middle-aged and senior women are leading the charge! I’m talking about women who are sick of....

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Dr. Mark Stengler selected as Top Naturopathic Medical Doctor 2023 from FINDATOPDOC

Top Naturopathic Medical Doctor 2023 from FINDATOPDOC

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Hormone Therapy

Is Your Hormone Imbalance Related to Gut Health?

If you want to have hormone balance, then you must have a healthy gut microbiome.

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VIDEO: The Secret Link Between Diabetes and Hormone Imbalance

An imbalance in your hormone levels can influence your body’s…

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VIDEO: How Does pH Balance Affect Our Health?

The term pH stands for “potential of hydrogen.” This is…

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The Holistic Guide to Gut Health
The Holistic Guide to Gut Health
Redefining Medicine
Redefining Medicine
Exploring Cancer Root Causes and Effective Treatments
Exploring Cancer Root Causes and Effective Treatments
Prostate Health with Dr. Mark Stengler
Prostate Health with Dr. Mark Stengler
Causes of Premature or Advanced Aging Dr Angela Stengler NMD
Causes of Premature or Advanced Aging Dr Angela Stengler NMD
Differences between Allergies or Respiratory Infections Dr Angela Stengler NMD
Differences between Allergies or Respiratory Infections Dr Angela Stengler NMD
The Dangers of unbalanced Blood Sugar Levels Dr Angela Stengler
The Dangers of unbalanced Blood Sugar Levels Dr Angela Stengler
Tips for Blood Pressure Control
Tips for Blood Pressure Control
Mark Stengler, NMD

Recipes and Meal Plans

Focusing on improving his patients’ overall health and well-being rather than specific symptoms, Dr. Mark Stengler, NMD delivers lasting results.