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Answers for Autoimmune Diseases

There has been an alarming uptick in the frequency of autoimmune diseases in the American population. About 50 million Americans have an autoimmune disease, and it is among the top 10 leading causes of death in female children and women up to 64 years old. A lot of those who have an autoimmune disease are not even aware they have it.

An autoimmune disease occurs when your body's immune system attacks the tissues of your body. Your immune system is designed to defend your body against infections intruders such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Your immune system can usually distinguish between its cells and those of foreign invaders. When "self" versus "non-self" security by your immune system goes awry, you can wind up with autoimmunity-- literally meaning immune reaction against yourself. Part of the immune reaction is the release of inflammatory chemicals. Common signs of this inflammatory response include redness, swelling, as well as pain. However, symptoms such as fatigue and fever are also common symptoms.

Most of the body can be affected

Autoimmune diseases can have an effect on every part of the body, including the brain, nerves, heart, blood vessels, muscles, skin, eyes, joints, lungs, kidneys, liver, glands, and digestive tract. No surprise researchers have identified between 80-100 autoimmune diseases with the possibility of another 40 or so having an autoimmune element!

Some of the common conditions you may be familiar with consist of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, Sjogren's syndrome, fibromyalgia, Type 1 diabetes, and lupus. The most common cause of low thyroid in America is due to an autoimmune response involving the thyroid gland, known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

What are the actual causes?

Ask traditional doctors what is causing your autoimmune disease, and you are likely to hear the word "genetics." Indeed, genetics often play a part in one's predisposition to autoimmune disease, and estimates are that about 20 percent of the population has a genetic predisposition. Though, many people with an autoimmune disorder do not have a family history of an autoimmune disease.

There are a number of triggers that emerging research is shown to be "triggers" of autoimmune diseases. However, a lot of these triggers are not addressed by conventional doctors. Triggers or causative agents might include chronic infections (e.g., viral infections, gum disease, Lyme Disease, and others), unbalanced microbiome in the digestive tract (where 70% of the immune cell activity takes place), unhealthy intestinal lining known as increased permeability (where protein particles and bacteria can be improperly absorbed into the bloodstream triggering an immune reaction), food allergies or sensitivities (particularly gluten), environmental toxins (toxic metals, pesticides, etc), and hormonal imbalances.

By listening carefully to the patient concerning their symptoms, along with what was happening with their health around the beginning of their autoimmune disease, I suspect specific sources that I then confirm with ultra-modern lab testing.

Most patients with autoimmune disease need changes in their diet, repair of their digestive tract, detoxing, and hormone balancing (especially stress hormones, and in the case of women (estrogen/progesterone balancing). For patients on conventional drug therapies for autoimmunity, I address underlying causative factors and offer complementary treatments for a better quality of life.

Super Supplements

Supplements that we often find helpful with patients include our Turmeric+MSM Wellness, Collagen Boost, Inflam Fighter, and Fish Oil Plus. The Inflam Fighter provides a shake with important nutrients that support the detoxification pathways, relieves inflammation, and supports digestive health. Additionally, the Collagen Boost is special because it is a kind of collagen that promotes joint health and has been shown to lower an overactive immune response to the joint tissues. Turmeric+MSM Wellness offers a natural way to decrease pain and inflammation with a kind of turmeric 29 times more bioavailable than regular turmeric. And finally, our high potency fish oil plus provides the omega 3's known to lower the inflammatory response naturally.