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San Diego, CA

Overweight/Weight Loss Treatment in San Diego, CA

A picture of Dr. Mark Stengler

Weight Loss Treatments

Exploring Holistic Weight Loss Strategies with a Functional Medicine Approach

Weight loss is a journey that many undertake, but few succeed in maintaining, especially among those with morbid obesity. Statistically, less than 5% of the morbidly obese population can lose a significant amount of weight and keep it off through non-surgical methods, which typically include dietary changes, exercise, and behavioral therapy.

At our clinic, under the guidance of a functional medicine specialist, we take a comprehensive approach to weight management. Recognizing that each person's body is unique, we collaborate with patients to develop personalized, safe, and effective weight loss programs. Here’s a deeper look into the integrative strategies we advocate.

Dietary Modifications for Sustainable Weight Loss

Many have experienced the frustrating cycle of "yo-yo" dieting, which can pose severe risks to heart, kidney, and overall organ health. We focus on creating sustainable eating habits rather than temporary diets. Our functional medicine approach emphasizes diets that are rich in nutrients yet lower in calories, tailored specifically to each individual's metabolic rate and health profile. These include:

  • Low Calorie Diets (LCDs): Tailored plans that reduce daily caloric intake without compromising nutritional balance.
  • Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCDs): These involve nutrient-dense, high-protein, low-fat liquid meals designed to significantly lower calorie intake.

Behavior Modification to Support Weight Loss Goals

Behavior modification therapy is crucial in changing long-term eating and exercise habits. Our program includes:

  • Setting achievable, realistic weight loss goals.
  • Keeping a detailed journal of dietary habits and exercise.
  • Identifying and managing high-risk eating situations.
  • Using positive reinforcement to encourage desirable behaviors.
  • Building a supportive network to maintain motivation.

Exercise: A Pillar for Long-term Weight Management

Exercise is essential, not just for weight loss but for overall health enhancement. Regular physical activity helps counteract the metabolism slowdown that accompanies lower calorie consumption. We encourage starting with manageable activities and gradually increasing intensity:

  • Incorporate walking by parking further away or taking stairs instead of elevators.
  • Reduce sedentary activities like TV watching.
  • Include low-impact exercises like swimming or cycling.

Medications and Functional Medicine

While medications are not a standalone solution, they can complement the weight loss process by controlling appetite or reducing fat absorption. Medications we might consider include:

  • Orlistat: Blocks fat absorption.
  • Phentermine: Suppresses appetite.
  • Sibutramine: Approved for long-term use to help maintain weight loss.

It's important to discuss potential side effects and the suitability of these medications with a healthcare professional who understands your full medical history.

Considering Surgery as a Last Resort

For those who struggle with severe obesity and have exhausted other options, bariatric surgery may be considered. This intervention is generally reserved for:

  • Individuals more than 100 pounds over their ideal body weight.
  • Those with a BMI of 40 or higher, or 35 with associated health conditions.

Pre-surgical evaluations and a commitment to lifelong post-surgical care are prerequisites. We provide a thorough consultation to discuss the risks and benefits of various surgical options.

At the Dr. Mark Stengler’s Health Clinic, located in San Diego, California, we are dedicated to a holistic and integrative approach to health, including weight management. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact us at (760) 274-2377.

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